About us
Our company
Buyuni REDD Farms Limited ("BRF") is a private company geared towards production and marketing of organic honey through modern farming, centered on its 153 hectares of beekeeping farmland in Buyuni Village, Bagamoyo District, Pwani Region in the United Republic of Tanzania.
The Company has acquired 7 large farms totaling 350 acres (153 hectares) in size in a rural forested area, with options for up to 1,000 hectares more. Leveraging on the project area's geographical advantages, added to its large size and rural location, the promoters have set out to become the leading Inclusive Agribusiness in the SADC and EA Region.
The forest trees and other flowering plants in our farms provide food and habitat for bees
The business will comprise 3 distinct but interdependent and self-reinforcing production segments: Beekeeping; Food Crops; and Forestry Products. The project will be registered with SAGCOT and the Tanzania Investment Centre.
An extensive outgrowers' network for beekeepers and an agriculutural business centre using the hub-and-spoke model for general crops will be adopted, targeted at empowering a wide range of other stakeholders commercially, namely, the sponsors; the large rural community in which the business will be situate; its suppliers and customers; and the general agribusiness industry in Tanzania.
Business Location
Buyuni REDD Farms Limited is s newly established beekeeping farm that sits on 342 acres (153 hectares) of rural forested land in Buyuni Village, in Vigwaza Ward of Bagamoyo District in Tanzania's Pwani Region. The farm site is located between the coordinates P1 [213:01:26] to P6 [283:17:19] to P17 [348:49:06] to P31 [122:35:09] and so to PI. The site is reached by going 9 kilometres off the Morogoro Road northwards to the Buyuni Village and then 4 kilometres to the West of the human rural settlements of Buyuni Village.
The vegetation is typically wet miombo woodland and thickets or bushed woodland with dominant species including Sclerocarya caffra ;Combretum spp.; Terminalia spp.; Grewia spp.; Brachystegia microphylla ;Acacia spp.; Afzelia quanzensis; and Harrisonia abyssinica . Other important indigenous tree species are Albizia spp.; Dalbergia melanoxylon; Tamarindus indica ; and Cassia spp. Such natural and heterogeneous vegetation is suitable for beekeeping.
The climate in the area is typically coastal type, with two rainy seasons the 'long rains' during March to May and 'short rains' from October to December. However, it is not uncommon to have rains in any month, thus flowering can occur at any time in an annual cycle. There are therefore two main flowering seasons one preceding each rainy season. This situation naturally permits harvesting of honey at least twice a year. In fact it is already known that the main honey harvesting seasons in the project area are May, August and December.
There exist extensive patches of grassland that are suitable for planting of trees and cultivation of crops such as sunflower and others that are friendly to beekeeping, as they can provide bee fodder. The project site borders with NARCO's Ruvu NARCO ranch which is certified tsetse free, rendering the site also suitable for cattle ranching.
Mission and Vision
The Mission of the company is to produce, process and market high quality organic honey and other bee products to meet client demands while giving value-for-money, in an inclusive business model that benefit the company, employees and stakeholders.
Buyuni REDD Farms Ltd's Vision is that of being "The Leading Beekeeping Inclusive Business in Tanzania and the EA Region".